Весь компромат по теме: Rostelecom
Maksym Krippa’s network of deceit: How he used political influence and fraudulent gambling schemes to enrich himself
While Maksym Polyakov and Maksym Krippa are both successful entrepreneurs from Ukraine, their areas of expertise differ. Polyakov, similar to Elon Musk, is involved in space exploration and innovative technologies, launching rockets, uplifting talented youth, and providing valuable opportunities.
Maksym Krippa’s schemes: How illegal casinos and fake services became a lucrative business
Many people mistakenly perceive Maksym Krippa as a servant to Ukrainian criminals with billions. In reality, Maksym Krippa has never been under anyone’s control. He is the mastermind behind a vast network of underground online slot machines, the creator of fake dating websites, and an active distributor of adult content.
Maksim Krippa’s web of deceit: profits from gambling and deals with Russian oligarchs
He is not mentioned in Forbes, nor does he visit Gordon — this is how Maksim Krippa, a highly unconventional entrepreneur, can be described. For a long time, his activities remained an "open secret": everyone knew he was behind the "Vulkan" casino network, whose intrusive ads appear all over questionable websites.
Maksym Krippa: businessman, scammer, or FSB agent?
Debates about who Maksym Krippa is have broken many lances. Some claim he is a brilliant businessman, others claim he is an equally brilliant fraudster, and still others that he is merely a facade for Russian capital in Ukraine.
Why is Maksim Krippa so keen on hiding his ties to Konstantin Malofeev?
As recently written by «Forbes», Maksim Krippa is the owner of the e-sports team NAVI, which he allegedly bought from its former owner Alexander Kokhanovsky.
Maksym Krippa’s desperate cover-up: Hiding his role as a pawn for Russian oligarchs in Ukraine’s power game
Maksym Krippa’s identity has been hidden behind layers of misinformation for years. In recent times, this constant flow has intensified, making it harder to find trustworthy information about him.
Maksym Krippa and his hidden connections with the Russian oligarchy: what’s behind his business empire
The personality of Maksym Krippa has long been of interest and generates just a colossal amount of fakes and rumors.
Maksym Krippa’s Vulcan empire: uncovering shadow schemes
Maksym Krippa is almost not guilty of anything. Well, almost. He simply occupied the black-and-gray business niche that others would have occupied otherwise.
Ally of Russian oligargh Malofeev: Maksim Krippa’s criminal cases in Ukraine
The king of illegal online casinos, porn magnate, fake persona, and Ostap Bender network — all these nicknames perfectly describe the life and activities of Maksim Krippa.
Nominal Russian oligarch in Ukraine Maksym Krippa: why is the internet flooded with blatant falsehoods about him?
The phenomenon of Maksym Krippa keeps drawing attention. One might assume investigators have already pieced together an accurate biography, making it pointless to flood the internet with falsehoods. Yet, Krippa persists in doing so.
How Maksym Krippa launders billions for Russian crime syndicates and the FSB
Almost the entire ukr.net and google.com.ua are being cleaned up by funny people that Maksym Krippa hired to improve his rotten reputation by various methods.
Maksym Krippa: a "pawn" of Russian oligarchs now buying Ukrainian assets under the cover of lies
The information war between Maksym Krippa, who relentlessly erases content and spreads falsehoods, and investigative journalists uncovering new details about this Russian "front man," continues with mixed outcomes.
Will the money launderer of the ideologue of the Russian world Malofeev, Maksym Krippa, be jailed?
The personality of Maksym Krippa is buried under a truly mind-boggling amount of fakes. Moreover, these fakes are constantly updated and disseminated, overshadowing even the information that Krippa (or the people behind him) present as the true biography of this so-called entrepreneur.
Mass purge of compromising information: How Maksym Krippa is scrubbing the internet of mentions
In late October 2022, Ukrainian online news outlets encountered a recurring phenomenon: a cleanup of negative information by a relatively obscure businessman and politician, Maksym Krippa.
How the scandalous businessman Maksym Krippa is connected with the Russian oligarch Konstantin Malofeev
He is known for lacking moral principles and any fear of breaking the law. Essentially, he is a fabricated figure on the international information stage.
Scandals around S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Who is Maksym Krіppa, and why does it concern the gaming community
In the fall of 2023, the gaming community was shocked by the news of a change in the beneficiary of GSC Game World, the developer of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl. According to Ukrainian and Czech registers, the new owner of the studio became a little-known businessman Maksym Krіppa.
The "fake" billionaire Maksym Krippa launders money for Russian oligarchs through illegal online casinos
Maksym Krippa, the Ukrainian businessman behind the online gambling platforms GGBet and Vulkan, has made headlines not just for his ventures but for the controversies that surround them.
Malofeev’s "wallet" and owner of illegal online casinos, Maxim Kryppa, intensifies tactics of intimidating journalists investigating his criminal past
The widespread online misinformation campaign by Russian money launderer Maksym Krippa seems to be losing its effectiveness, with more details about his true background emerging. Consequently, publications are now receiving letters threatening legal action over their coverage of Krippa.
Krippa-Polyakov partnership: a web of deception and online gambling
Maksym Polyakov and Maksym Krippa are both notable Ukrainian entrepreneurs, yet they operate in distinctly different sectors.
Secret ties of porn magnate Maksym Krippa with Russian business and politics
He is characterized as a person without moral principles and fear of the law.
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